Dosha Skincare

Kama, with Holition



Kama Ayurvedic aims to investigate and design an experience that introduces the core essence of dosha and enhances understanding of the relationship between skincare. The goal of this experience is to discover a unique and personalised profile by utilising Kama's exclusive dosha methodology, skin products, lifestyle recommendations, and face tracking technology.

It serves as a skincare tool from an Ayurvedic perspective, helping users to achieve their skin goals and offering well-being and lifestyle recommendations. Additionally, the tool aims to seamlessly integrate educational information into the experience, resulting in balanced dosha and skin quiz analysis and personalised results for the users.

카마 아유르베딕 (Kama Ayurvedic) 이라는 스킨 케어 브랜드와 함께한 프로젝트에서 인도의 전통의학, 도샤 (dosha) 의 관점에서 고객의 피부 목표 달성을 돕고 퍼스널 라이프스타일과 웰빙 추천을 제공하는 온라인 경험 및 툴을 설계했습니다. 디자인 프로세스에서 사용성 테스트 세션 중에 다수의 고객들이 도샤와 스킨 사이에 대한 이해가 부족하여 툴 사용의 진행하는데 어려움을 겪는 것을 발견했습니다. 이를 보완하기 위해 온보딩 과정에서 간략한 개념을 제공하고, 랜딩 페이지를 확장시켜 교육적인 정보를 단계별 섹션에 매끄럽게 통합하여 도샤의 핵심 본질을 소개하고 스킨 케어와의 관계 이해를 높일 수 있도록 도출했습니다.


Problem to Opportunity


During the user testing sessions, we discovered that users encountered difficulties in starting and continuing the quiz because they lacked understanding of dosha and skin. I realised that providing a brief dosha education is crucial during the onboarding process. It became evident that comprehensive educational information is necessary for a smooth user experience. Based on this, we have decided to expand the landing page and create step-by-step sections to incorporate detailed and educational guidance without loosing the simplicity and ease of use.

Skin & Dosha Quiz

One of the main objectives was to effectively display multiple answers in order to easily communicate the available options. To achieve this, I included diverse images within the frame. This allows users to quickly recognise and understand the question, and be prepared to provide a prompt response. Later in the design process, I aligned the images to match the brand identity and guidelines.

Personalised Results

The users expressed a desire to learn more about their personalised results beyond the provided dosha percentages. In response, I decided to include a detailed explanation of doshas for users to relate back to the quiz. I organised the information into categories and added a progress bar to show users their completion status of a full dosha profile. This encourages them to improve their results by moving on to step 2.


Virtual Townhouse, Jo Malone